完成「滴滴賞」問卷調查 即賞你 600 獎賞分
1. 此問卷調查的名額為300個,先到先得,額滿即止。
2. 每位會員只會獲得600獎賞分一次,完成多於一次問卷亦只會獲得一次獎賞。
3. 問卷調查一經遞交,不得更改。問卷調查的提交時間以主辦單位的系統時間記錄為準。
4. 600獎賞分將於2025年3月15日前存入至你的帳戶。
5. 填寫問卷調查時,請仔細細閱問卷內容,只需根據你的經驗回答。 若「滴滴賞」合理地認為您的問卷調查答案不實或未經仔細考慮,「滴滴賞」保留不向您發出獎賞積分的權利。
6. 為確保問卷調查的質量,在某些情況下,您將不會收到獎賞,原因包括但不限於:
- 您所提供的回答有邏輯性的差異
- 不真實的回答或錯誤的答案
- 不恰當或濫用的回覆
- 沒有完成整份問卷調查
7. 未經「滴滴賞」的事先書面批准,請勿於任何媒體刊登或引述任何問卷調查或網站內容。
8. 「滴滴賞」可能向您披露保密及/或獨家的資訊或資料為問卷調查的一部分,該等資訊或資料為「滴滴賞」的全權及專有財產。 此保密資訊可包括(但不限於)新產品意見或概念、包裝概念、廣告及電影或電視概念或預告片,以及相關的文字、影像及聲音。不得向任何第三方披露或使用問卷調查所有的內容及資料作任何用途。
9. 屈臣氏蒸餾水保留隨時更改,延長或終止要約並修改這些條款和條件的權利,恕不另行通知。如有任何爭議,屈臣氏蒸餾水將保留最終決定權。
10. 本條款及細則原文為英文版本,本中文版為英文版之譯本。如兩個版本有不符合之處,一概以英文版本為準。
Please take a moment to answer "Drops of Fun" survey. Your input is very important to us as it helps us to provide better services to you. To thank you for taking the time, 600 reward points* will be rewarded to your account after finished this survey. Quota is on a first-come-first-served basis. While stock lasts.
Please click into below link and answer the survey. Any information you have provided to us will be used internally only to improve our service and serve you better.
>>Click here to answer the survey<<
*Members must complete the entire survey before February 16, 2025 to be eligible to receive 600 reward points, which will be credited to your membership account before March 15, 2025.
Terms and Conditions
1. The quota of this survey is 300, available on a first-come-first-served basis and while stock last.
2. Each member earns 600 reward points once only even completed the survey more than once.
3. Once the survey is submitted, no alteration or cancellation is allowed. The submission time of the survey shall be based on the system time record.
4. 600 Reward points will be deposited to your accounts on or before 15 March 2025.
5. When answering the survey, please read the questionnaire carefully and answer it truthfully based on your own experience. If Drops of Fun reasonably believes that your answers are not true or without careful consideration, Drops of Fun reserves the right not to issue you reward points.
6. To ensure the quality of the survey, in some cases, you will not receive rewards, including but not limited to:
- The answers you provide are logically different
- Untrue or wrong answer
- Inappropriate or abused answer
- Incomplete the entire survey
7. Without Drops of Fun's written approval, please do not publish or quote any survey or website content in any media.
8. Drops of Fun may disclose confidential and / or exclusive information or materials to you as part of the survey. Such information or materials are sole and exclusive property of Drops of Fun. This confidential information may include (but not limited to) new product opinions or concepts, packaging concepts, advertisements and movie or TV concepts or trailers, and related text, images and sounds. Do not disclose or use any content and information from survey to any third party for any purpose.
9. Watsons Water reserves the right to alter, extend or terminate the offers and amend these terms and conditions at any time without prior notice. All matters or disputes will be subject to the decision of Watsons Water, which shall be final and binding.
10. If there are any discrepancies between the English and the Chinese versions of these terms and conditions, the English version shall prevail.